We have over ten years of experience, excellence and exceptional results
"Pre-chewed Politics is a fantastic resource for flipped learning that provides students with detailed, yet accessible content."
- Simon Lightman, King Edward’s Witley
- Simon Lightman, King Edward’s Witley
"My students really benefit from using Pre-chewed Politics, they enjoy using it!"
- Anna Majcherczyk-Olczak, Newman Catholic College
- Anna Majcherczyk-Olczak, Newman Catholic College
"I just wanted to send a quick message of thanks. Our A2 results this year were outstanding - 80% A*-A, 100% A*-B and we think it is definitely down to the impact of Pre-chewed, it is such a good resource!"
- Sarah Hamilton, Oasis Academy Hadley
- Sarah Hamilton, Oasis Academy Hadley
'The Pre-chewed Politics service is an excellent means of developing students' understanding of all aspects of the A-level Politics course. The videos are the right length for students to work through their knowledge of particular topics and the attached worksheets provide effective scaffolding for students who find note taking a little more difficult. The case studies provide excellent analysis for students, and deliver the opportunity for students to make judgements on quite tricky topics. The service overall acts as a second textbook, but one that is much more interactive and thought provoking than your average A-level Politics textbook. I would unreservedly recommend Pre-chewed Politics to any Politics department - it is an essential resource in our department, one that the students use on a daily basis. It is fantastic value for money as well.'
- Paul McAnanay, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School
- Paul McAnanay, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School
‘I have been using Pre-chewed Politics for my students for three years now, and believe it to be the best investment I could have made. With textbooks being both very expensive, and also out of date as soon as they are published, the Pre-chewed material, with its regularly updated case studies, has proved invaluable and far more cost-effective. The case studies, indeed, are extremely well put together, giving a clear, comprehensive overview of contemporary events as they relate to the course requirements. I doubt there is anything like them available elsewhere. Students have responded well to using the video tutorials, and these have enabled an excellent classroom discussion programme.’
- Giles Marshall, Sutton Grammar School
- Giles Marshall, Sutton Grammar School
'Pre-chewed is an absolutely fantastic resource for students, with the videos and case studies between them providing the perfect blend of range, clarity and depth for pupils; the materials can be used both in class and to provide great consolidation, revision and flipped learning. If I had to choose between Pre-chewed and a textbook I’d definitely choose Pre-chewed for its reliable and contemporary updates, the quality of information and the ease of access for pupils.'
- Rohan Edwards, Magdalen College School
- Rohan Edwards, Magdalen College School
'We have subscribed to Pre-chewed Politics for many years as we find the resources to be highly beneficial to our students. They are particularly useful for flipped learning - allowing the students to engage with the content prior to lessons, at their own pace, achieves both a deeper understanding and facilitates informed discussion in the classroom. The frequent case studies, connected to the specification, are also excellent at enhancing student knowledge and awareness. The student voice for Pre-chewed Politics is always positive!'
- Victoria Williams, Beaconsfield High School
- Victoria Williams, Beaconsfield High School
'I just wanted to say how much I love the resources provided on the Pre-Chewed website. They make such a difference to my teaching and the progress of the kids, particularly with AO1 and AO3 on the Edexcel exam board.
Best value-for-money resource I’ve ever purchased!'
- Dan Parkin, Ellesmere Port Catholic High School
Best value-for-money resource I’ve ever purchased!'
- Dan Parkin, Ellesmere Port Catholic High School
'We have been subscribers to Pre-chewed Politics for more years than I can remember. The sheer breadth of resources on offer, from the videos to the detailed case studies, and the range of the essay plan archive means that our pupils have an outstanding tool at their disposal. I have particularly enjoyed using the election packs which have been cleverly tailored to the key political debates, whilst offering up an excellent source of examples.
Most reassuringly, pupils have access to the service and use it when writing essays, revising or just to gather more detail around any given topic they are covering.'
- Hugo Nilsson, St Paul's School, London
Most reassuringly, pupils have access to the service and use it when writing essays, revising or just to gather more detail around any given topic they are covering.'
- Hugo Nilsson, St Paul's School, London
'Pre-chewed Politics lets me do what lessons should be about - thinking hard, applying political concepts to the day's political events and perfecting essay practice. Flipped learning makes my lessons more interesting to teach and much more interesting to be in, I recommend it highly to any Politics teacher thinking about what to invest their budget in.'
- Greg East, Harris Westminster Sixth Form
- Greg East, Harris Westminster Sixth Form
‘Pre-chewed provides a brilliant service that’s equally proficient for homework tasks, cover lessons, and flipped learning. We couldn’t operate without it!'
- Robin Hardman, Hampton School
- Robin Hardman, Hampton School
'Pre-chewed Politics has been an invaluable resource for our students. The high quality videos, tailored to the course requirements, provide expert subject knowledge and alongside the regular up-dates give students a thorough knowledge of the fundamentals and a plethora of detailed examples and case-studies they can use in the exam. When a student is absent Pre-chewed allows them to quickly and easily catch up on missed lessons. This is an outstanding set of resources and I highly recommend it.'
- Peter Richards, The Perse School
- Peter Richards, The Perse School
'The Pre-chewed resources are extensive and finished to an extremely high standard. They enable our students to tackle the immense subject content of the A-Level Government and Politics course, by providing alternative methods of accessing information and they give staff accessible and engaging resources to employ in the classroom. The resources are tailor-made to meet the demands of the course and are both detailed and accessible. We would highly recommend them and would not be without them when teaching this course.'
- Adrian Stoten, St Mary's Calne
- Adrian Stoten, St Mary's Calne
'We have subscribed to Pre-chewed Politics for a number of years now and our students have found it very helpful for revision and catching up with missed work. The case studies are particularly useful for providing examples and stretch and challenge activities.'
- Mark Tatam, Greenhead College
- Mark Tatam, Greenhead College
'Pre-chewed remains an excellent supplementary resource to what goes on in the classroom – either for students to consolidate learning, or to prepare for an upcoming topic.'
- Tom Owens, Royal Grammar School, Guildford
- Tom Owens, Royal Grammar School, Guildford
'Our students really love Pre-chewed Politics! I asked my Year 12s for some feedback on the service and they said that they like the very structured, yet condensed videos. They said it is nice to listen to a voice on the videos and that they give a good introduction to the topics. They were also appreciative of the case studies, as they provide them with up to date examples and detailed analysis and give a more in-depth understanding of Politics. They use the worksheets regularly as a basis for their notes and they feel that they provided a good structure to aid their understanding.'
- Paul McAnaney, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School
- Paul McAnaney, Stratford Girls’ Grammar School
'I have just had one of my Year 13s exclaiming how brilliant Pre-chewed is - so well done all of you! It really is a fantastic resource.'
- Jane Wilkes, St Thomas More High School
- Jane Wilkes, St Thomas More High School
'The Politics Department have been using Pre-chewed resources for the past two years, and everyone in the department only make positive comments about how useful and brilliant the resources are for teaching A-Level Government and Politics. The video lessons, with accompanying worksheets, enable the students to get detailed and accurate notes, which they can use in addition to their textbook. Pre-chewed has up-to—date information, for example a recent in-depth examination of Teresa May’s premiership. In addition to the topic videos and worksheets covering UK, USA and Ideologies, they also share a monthly case study which delves into a current event and explains how the information applies to what they need to know for the exams. I would not be without this resource for teaching A-Level Government and Politics.'
- Angela Neilson, Wetherby Senior School
- Angela Neilson, Wetherby Senior School
'I have been a subscriber since introducing Politics A-Level at my school four years ago. The videos and accompanying worksheets are really useful as homework tasks, and my students have taken it upon themselves to use them as a key part of their exam revision too. The varied case studies really enhance their subject knowledge and have saved me a lot of time as they mean I don’t have to research and write all of the materials myself. I will absolutely continue to subscribe to Pre-chewed - it is money well spent for my department!'
- Elizabeth Thomas, St Thomas More School
- Elizabeth Thomas, St Thomas More School
'Many congratulations indeed on your ten year anniversary! Thank you so much for all you continue to do, in order to support us in our teaching and delivery of the course.'
- Anna Parish, Repton School
- Anna Parish, Repton School
'We subscribed just before the school was closed during lockdown and I think it might be that decision that saves my current Y12's course. The Pre-chewed Politics model is great during normal circumstances, but for remote learning it was practically ideal. The videos for each topic are clear and concise, and the worksheets encourage detailed note-taking and attention to specific examples. I had my students submit their notes via Teams for checking, and saw a notable improvement to what they might have produced in the classroom. The case studies, which are comprehensive and linked to the exam boards' specifications, allowed the students to demonstrate that they had understood the concepts in the videos, and I was able to set 'source' style questions based on them as exam practice. The students were universally impressed by the resources and enjoyed both the style of the videos, and the clarity and depth they provided.
Having had the value of Pre-chewed Politics shown to us so clearly, I have already started to plan how to better use it when we return in September, using the 'flipped learning' that it easily allows to save time explaining subjects and free up the classroom for discussion. It is no understatement to say that Pre-chewed Politics might alter the way I teach politics from now on, which, given I've been running the A-Level for 15 years, is no mean feat.'
- Matthew Duggins, Hanley Castle High School & Sixth Form Centre
Having had the value of Pre-chewed Politics shown to us so clearly, I have already started to plan how to better use it when we return in September, using the 'flipped learning' that it easily allows to save time explaining subjects and free up the classroom for discussion. It is no understatement to say that Pre-chewed Politics might alter the way I teach politics from now on, which, given I've been running the A-Level for 15 years, is no mean feat.'
- Matthew Duggins, Hanley Castle High School & Sixth Form Centre
'I absolutely love this resource. Thank you so much for all that you do with it. The students and I just love it!
Many thanks for all of your hard work and for the time you free up for me to teach the students effectively.'
- Amy Evans, St Joan of Arc Catholic School
Many thanks for all of your hard work and for the time you free up for me to teach the students effectively.'
- Amy Evans, St Joan of Arc Catholic School
'We had some of the best results we have ever had in Politics this year and I think that was a good deal down to how much the students used Pre-chewed. Thanks as always for all of your support!'
- George German, Forest Hill School
- George German, Forest Hill School
'I wanted to let you know that I got an A* in my Government and Politics A-level. My marks were 95 and 96 for the US modules and completely moved me up from the B grade I got in my AS level last year, before I had Pre-chewed.
Thank you so much for all your help this year. I'm delighted with my grade and I wouldn't have got it without your help and excellent examples.'
- Phoebe Thomas, private US service subscriber
Thank you so much for all your help this year. I'm delighted with my grade and I wouldn't have got it without your help and excellent examples.'
- Phoebe Thomas, private US service subscriber
'We are definitely lifetime subscribers, it's a great service!'
- Ciara McCombe, Convent of Jesus & Mary Language College
- Ciara McCombe, Convent of Jesus & Mary Language College
'Thanks so much for this excellent resource - with the exams fast approaching and lesson time tight, it is invaluable to have such a well written and comprehensive explanation. I know the students find it invaluable - only yesterday I overheard a conversation between two of my Year 12s where they were agreeing that they "love Pre-chewed!".'
- Victoria Williams, Beaconsfield High School
- Victoria Williams, Beaconsfield High School
'Pre-chewed Politics is an engaging and thorough set of resources that students can engage with to achieve the best possible outcomes in their exams. Videos, revision notes and case studies all contribute to giving the students a great grounding in the material and provide wider reading as well. As a non-specialist drafted in to teach Politics, I would have been lost without this fabulous resource.'
- Sally Smith, Aylesford School and Sixth Form College
- Sally Smith, Aylesford School and Sixth Form College
'I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much for always responding quickly to my emails, always happy to help and answer all of my questions - your customer service is perfect. Thank you for the in-depth A2 Politics contents, I don't know where I'd be if it was not for the videos. I'm currently studying A2 on my own as a private candidate, and having 24/7 access to Pre-chewed is like having a teacher! My Mum and I made the best decision to buy Pre-chewed Politics and it is definitely worth it. I would, from the bottom of my heart, recommend Pre-chewed Politics to anyone whether they're in sixth form college or a private candidate like myself.'
- Benedicte- Danielle Bopeno, private candidate
- Benedicte- Danielle Bopeno, private candidate
'As a single resource Pre-chewed Politics is without a doubt the most important thing our Politics department has invested in. Every topic is covered in easy to understand videos, with worksheets on the site accompanying them, and there are excellent revision materials. Even better are the up to date case studies that ensure that students have up to date and specific examples for all areas of the course. Whilst we use textbooks, these quickly get out of date, but Pre-chewed Politics is constantly updating its content. The worksheets are actually a better resource for learning than most textbook tasks, and have allowed us to flip our classroom on a regular basis, so much so that my students now use Pre-chewed to consolidate their learning automatically.
To create a resource of this scale and detail, whilst constantly keeping it up to date, would be a task well beyond any classroom teacher, and even textbook producer. As a testimony to the impact that Pre-chewed Politics has had, our results were outstanding this year, amongst the best in the school, with the Year 13s being the first cohort to have used the resource over two years. All of the students have said how much they rely on it, and how much they have used the resource to revise from.'
Student case study:
'In Year 13 I allowed two students who had failed one of their other AS levels and needed a third A level, to take up A-level Politics and study it over the course of a year, on the proviso that they used Pre-chewed to teach themselves the AS content, with a weekly hourly consolidation lesson after school, and used the site to develop their understanding of the A-level content. At best I was hoping that they might scrape some UCAS points together as a third A-level, but the results were astonishing; one student got an A, the other a B! I can only put this down to the hard work of the students concerned, but, just as importantly the quality and accessibility of Pre-chewed Politics, which enabled them to access the course and do so well.'
- Jonathan Gracey, Guiseley School
To create a resource of this scale and detail, whilst constantly keeping it up to date, would be a task well beyond any classroom teacher, and even textbook producer. As a testimony to the impact that Pre-chewed Politics has had, our results were outstanding this year, amongst the best in the school, with the Year 13s being the first cohort to have used the resource over two years. All of the students have said how much they rely on it, and how much they have used the resource to revise from.'
Student case study:
'In Year 13 I allowed two students who had failed one of their other AS levels and needed a third A level, to take up A-level Politics and study it over the course of a year, on the proviso that they used Pre-chewed to teach themselves the AS content, with a weekly hourly consolidation lesson after school, and used the site to develop their understanding of the A-level content. At best I was hoping that they might scrape some UCAS points together as a third A-level, but the results were astonishing; one student got an A, the other a B! I can only put this down to the hard work of the students concerned, but, just as importantly the quality and accessibility of Pre-chewed Politics, which enabled them to access the course and do so well.'
- Jonathan Gracey, Guiseley School
'We found Pre-chewed Politics through a recommendation from another Politics teacher. For the first year we only had Year 12 students, so we subscribed to the UK Government and Politics section. It made my life so much easier and the pupils really responded well to the videos, case studies and definitely the end of year revision guides. As a teacher it saved me time searching and pulling different articles together. Nearly every lesson we could look through a case study and discuss it as a class. We have now managed to buy subscriptions for Year 12 and Year 13 as I honestly can't imagine teaching without it.'
- Helen Ashcroft, Hazel Grove High School
- Helen Ashcroft, Hazel Grove High School
'In my seven years as a teacher, Pre-chewed Politics is undoubtedly the best teaching and learning resource I have come across. It is absolutely fantastic! The video tutorials, case studies, and student activities are not only engaging, but designed to be accessible to students of all abilities. From a teacher point-of-view, lesson planning has become a lot less onerous. Finally, from a customer service perspective, the Pre-chewed Politics team are always on-hand to provide friendly and efficient support. Thank you!'
- Mr Noble, The Hertfordshire & Essex High School
- Mr Noble, The Hertfordshire & Essex High School
'Pre-chewed Politics has been one of the most influential tools I have used in my learning, and I cannot emphasise its usefulness enough!'
- Guy, A2 Politics student, Denstone College
- Guy, A2 Politics student, Denstone College
'We have been very lucky to have found Pre-chewed. It is a wonderful resource that caters for all abilities of students. The videos are informative and explain topics in a clear manner. The case study updates really stretch our top students with up-to-date factual examples. Most importantly, our students have enjoyed using Pre-chewed as they fully appreciate its benefits. This has certainly helped us achieve some excellent A-Level results.'
- John Haskey, Reigate Grammar School
- John Haskey, Reigate Grammar School
'Pre-chewed is going from strength to strength. It has been invaluable as a teaching and learning resource for AS exams and students really appreciate its clarity, topicality and relevance to the specifications.'
- The Politics department, British School of Brussels
- The Politics department, British School of Brussels
'Pre-chewed Politics has literally revolutionised the teaching of Politics at Jumeirah College. Whilst the revision notes and videos are an excellent resource for students, the up to the minute political case studies and guidance for adapting them to your chosen exam board are invaluable.’
- Kelly Storey, Jumeirah College, Dubai
- Kelly Storey, Jumeirah College, Dubai
'I used Pre-chewed’s teaching resources to help teach election systems and pressure groups in particular. They saved me an enormous amount of time in preparation, but also provide a wonderful variety of activities and demand a useful selection of thinking skills from the pupils. The results were clear to see from the quality of their end-of-topic assessments, in which they were able to show analysis and evaluation skills particularly well advanced for the time they had spent studying the subject. Like every bought-in resource, the more you commit to using Pre-chewed’s selection of videos, up-to-date current affairs primers and teaching resources, the more you’ll get out of it. For me it would have been cheap at twice the price!'
- Paul Goldsmith, Latymer Upper School
- Paul Goldsmith, Latymer Upper School
'I thought I ought to write and express my gratitude for the amazing service that is Pre-chewed Politics. It has exceeded my expectations as a source of learning and the amount of in-depth analysis and up-to-date examples never cease to impress me. It's my final A2 politics exam tomorrow, and I don't know where I'd be without this website.
In all honesty, I would usually be sceptical of online learning resources, but this has really changed my opinion - so much so that I felt obliged to say a quick thank you.'
- Ben, A2 student, Bradford Grammar School
In all honesty, I would usually be sceptical of online learning resources, but this has really changed my opinion - so much so that I felt obliged to say a quick thank you.'
- Ben, A2 student, Bradford Grammar School
‘Pre-chewed Politics has been an excellent additional resource for all our A-Level Politics students this year. They have really enjoyed using the videos alongside the associated worksheets which have proved a very effective way of introducing topics. The weekly updates also mean that examples are right up to date and make for lively classroom discussions. The coverage of topics is varied, and accessible enough for pupils of all abilities but certainly stretches the most able. We will definitely be renewing our subscription for next year.’
- Simon Lemieux, The Portsmouth Grammar School
- Simon Lemieux, The Portsmouth Grammar School
'May I just warmly thank you for the superb job you are doing for our students. We have made Pre-chewed the core of our resources, content and homework provision for both year groups, leaving traditional textbooks trailing in your wake. In fact, far from the subscription costing us money, the savings on sets of textbooks going out of date in 12-24 months means we are now actually saving on the department budget. The School bursary is pleased. Well done!'
- David Sorley, Kingston Grammar School
- David Sorley, Kingston Grammar School
'I’ve taught Politics for over ten years and this resource is by far the best that I have come across. It provides pupils with case studies and examples in order to take them from a mediocre to a top grade, whilst also explaining the key concepts of the course through a series of videos. In addition, Pre-chewed offers detailed revision materials, which have been useful in the run-up to exams, as well as lesson resources for teachers (the content on different electoral systems was particularly engaging and certainly made my lesson planning easier). I have recommended Pre-chewed to a number of other teachers and have prioritised my own renewal in next year’s departmental budget.'
- Katie Shapiro, Highgate Senior School
- Katie Shapiro, Highgate Senior School
'As a teacher I am always seeking innovative ways to engage my students, push the most able, and support those who require additional help. In the Pre- chewed Politics resource all these needs have been addressed. I am no longer attempting to trawl through articles and research on a weekly basis to keep my students knowledge current, this is done superbly with the informative and detailed weekly case studies. My students and I are indebted to the team at Pre-chewed Politics!'
- Zaheed Mohammed, Alperton Community School
- Zaheed Mohammed, Alperton Community School
‘Our pupils have found the interactive nature of the material and regular case studies to be an invaluable support for their 6th form studies. From a teaching perspective, Pre-chewed offers help with lesson preparation with regard to easily accessible resources. We have consequently renewed and extended our subscription to include both AS and A2.’
- T. Makhzangi, Head of Politics, Uppingham School
- T. Makhzangi, Head of Politics, Uppingham School
'Wow! I love the way you make very complex topics accessible. Our students have found it invaluable. Congratulations on a great product - we have already recommended you to others!'
- David Waters, St George's School
- David Waters, St George's School
'Having the support of the fantastic resources on the website has been brilliant and has allowed me to plan engaging and interactive lessons whilst minimising planning time. The case studies also allow me to make sure students keep up to date with current issues in the news, and are able to pinpoint where they will be relevant in terms of exams, allowing great stretch and challenge for learners.'
- Natalie Allen, City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College
- Natalie Allen, City of Stoke on Trent Sixth Form College
'A cracking resource which is very popular with students. Contains the abundance of examples and case studies that impresses the examiners. Much better value than buying a new set of text books.'
- Liam Hargadon, Head of Politics, Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet
- Liam Hargadon, Head of Politics, Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet
'This service is, to be quite frank, the best service for any subject that I have experienced in all my years as a teacher. Starting up our Politics A-level would have been nowhere near as good without it. I'm incredibly grateful.'
- Tom Evans, Queen Elizabeth's Academy, Devon
- Tom Evans, Queen Elizabeth's Academy, Devon
'Pre-chewed Politics is one of the most exciting resources to support the study of A-level Government and Politics that I have used. Whether to support flipped learning, extension, or revision, it is a first-rate service that my students have all found extremely useful. I warmly recommend Pre-chewed Politics.'
-Stephen Clark, Head of Politics, Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School.
-Stephen Clark, Head of Politics, Haberdashers' Aske's Boys' School.
'Since sharing the Pre-chewed website details with my AS Gov&Pol group it is consistently their most popular resource to use. They especially like the vTextbook chapters, and the examples on the website and the updates are used by students time and again in answers to practice questions. As a teacher of nearly 10 years standing, and having spent £1000s of departmental funds on resources over those years, I can confidently say that the Pre-chewed subscription is the best money I have ever spent, in terms of both content and engagement. The bright, professional and engaging appearance of the website is commented on very favourably, and they even like the voiceovers!'
- Patrick Cox, King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls
- Patrick Cox, King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls
I just wanted to tell you that this service is FANTASTIC! I particularly appreciate the way the information is structured so that less able students are able to relate the news story to the syllabus and to exam questions. From an exhausted colleague....thank you!'
- C J Wellman, Kings High School
- C J Wellman, Kings High School
'Pre-chewed Politics has proved the answer to our prayers. The students liked the AS material so much they lobbied for the A2 – I am delighted to say senior management listened and we have been allowed to get it. Excellent, informative videos to support the teaching and the updates, particularly with the US material, really help solve the issue of always having current examples. It is a wonderful resource that is transforming our teaching.'
- Elizabeth Salt, Stamford Endowed School
- Elizabeth Salt, Stamford Endowed School
'We - staff and students - have all really rated your resources. Students find it useful to prepare for a new topic.'
- Joe Martin, QEH, Bristol
- Joe Martin, QEH, Bristol
'The resources are truly fantastic!'
- Nadeem Amin, Maidstone Grammar School
- Nadeem Amin, Maidstone Grammar School
'I have been using Pre-Chewed Politics since the beginning of the term and have found the resources excellent value for money. They are well-pitched and the accompanying worksheets help focus students on the basics, which can then be gone over in class. Equally useful is the fact that they can return to the videos for revision purposes, or indeed when they have been absent and need to have the basics explained clearly. The advantage of being able to pause, reflect and review at the students' own pace is also hugely beneficial. Furthermore, bang up to date case studies allow them to apply their learning from the videos to exam questions. These resources fill the gap that we all frequently find with textbooks, namely that they are out of date before they are printed.'
- Gary Delahunty, Bromsgrove School
- Gary Delahunty, Bromsgrove School
' I just wanted to tell you that your website is amazing and all the work on there is fantastic! I really appreciate the work that goes into it and I wanted to tell you that it is being greatly received!'
- Laura Hill, Immanuel College
- Laura Hill, Immanuel College
'My students find Pre-chewed Politics an invaluable resource for improving their knowledge and understanding of the subject. The format of the short video clip and accompanying worksheet works really well for them. The revision resources are also fantastic. As a teacher I find the regular updates essential for updating my knowledge in fast moving subject'
- Mark van der Spiegel, Sydenham High School
- Mark van der Spiegel, Sydenham High School
'I love Pre-chewed. They say that a week is a long time in politics, try 3 - 4 years: the last time most of the textbooks for AS Gov and Pol were revised, re-edited and printed. For time-poor, expectation-rich AS Gov and Pol teachers, Pre-chewed fills that gap. Weekly case studies with a contemporary, relevant current affairs story “pre-chewed” and regurgitated for students (and teachers) with explicit links to the AS curriculum and questions to help hone skills. I also love the website, in general, but specifically as support for students who are retaking the subject and need support to do independent revision during Year 13. Thanks Laura, and team!'
- Rachel Burlton, Key Curriculum Leader- Humanities, The Charter School
- Rachel Burlton, Key Curriculum Leader- Humanities, The Charter School
An accessible and enticing way for students to connect the ever changing political world with their academic studies. Pre-chewed helps bring Politics alive.'
-Tom Pattison, Head of History, Richard Hale School
-Tom Pattison, Head of History, Richard Hale School
'Pre-chewed Politics is an outstanding resource for A-Level Politics teaching. It not only provides up-to-date case studies, but explains them in the context of AS exams so that students can understand how to apply examples properly. We have also made use of the excellent online teaching materials and the Easter Revision packs. It’s not only useful for students, but for teachers too – especially in keeping pace with current affairs!'
-Jenny Field, Head of Politics, Hampton School
-Jenny Field, Head of Politics, Hampton School
'I just wanted to say how incredibly useful your resources and flipped classroom videos have been. This has particularly been the case during the revision phase. Your resources have been superb!'
- Tom Owens, The Royal Grammar School
- Tom Owens, The Royal Grammar School
'I would like to place on record what a fantastic service you have provided - my Y12 students have simply lapped everything up.'
-David Llewellyn, The Kingswood School
-David Llewellyn, The Kingswood School
'Pre-chewed Politics has been a fantastic resource for our A-Level Politics students. The videos and related resources have equipped students with a wide range of contemporary examples and they explain complex political concepts clearly and precisely. The resources are both academic and accessible. Students have thoroughly enjoyed using Pre-chewed Politics resources throughout the year, and they have also used them for revision and consolidation purposes to prepare effectively for their exams. They have gained so much in terms of depth and breadth.'
- Blair Murray Cusati, Head of Political and Social Sciences, Hills Road Sixth Form College
- Blair Murray Cusati, Head of Political and Social Sciences, Hills Road Sixth Form College
'We have hugely appreciated Pre-chewed this year, as have our students! The articles are absolutely excellent as are the videos.'
-Lucy Budden, Nonsuch High School for Girls
-Lucy Budden, Nonsuch High School for Girls
'My students have really valued Pre-chewed Politics this year. It has really encouraged them to be more independent learners and has facilitated their ability to access up to date examples and issues, as well as effectively supporting their revision and examination preparation. It is great for them to have an alternative source of reliable information and debate. We are really looking forward to the A2 vTextbook next year.'
-Sarah Stockdale, Newcastle-under-Lyme School
-Sarah Stockdale, Newcastle-under-Lyme School
'I asked my A2 students for a testimonial about Pre-chewed Politics - they replied:
'Thank you so much for providing us with digestible, concise, to the point, tailored to our exam board specification, up-to-date, relevant examples.'
They are delighted with the service you have provided this year.'
-Ali Visser and students, St. Mary's School
'Thank you so much for providing us with digestible, concise, to the point, tailored to our exam board specification, up-to-date, relevant examples.'
They are delighted with the service you have provided this year.'
-Ali Visser and students, St. Mary's School
'Sorting a subscription to Pre-chewed Politics is a priority for our department at the start of the year. The mix of videos and articles provide an accessible and valuable resource for students both in and out of the classroom. We use the videos to help explain concepts in class and then use the articles for homeworks to help consolidate that learning with relevant and up to date examples. Students find the website very useful for revision and I regularly find students using up to date examples that they have got from Pre-chewed in their assessed work. Pre-chewed is an outstanding resource both for teachers planning lessons and for students preparing for exams and I cannot recommend it highly enough.'
- Michael McCann, Head of Social Sciences, Harris Academy Crystal Palace
- Michael McCann, Head of Social Sciences, Harris Academy Crystal Palace
'Can I say how much I appreciate the excellent quality of these articles, and the AS site is fantastic - I now base most of my lessons around the videos!'
-Donald Fear, Adams' Grammar School
-Donald Fear, Adams' Grammar School
'I am a student at Franklin College in Grimsby and I honestly find the work and revision guides so helpful, without it I reckon I would struggle at the course! As Politics becomes a more popular course, your site will be vital for students all over the country!'
-Leon K., A-level Politics student, Franklin College
-Leon K., A-level Politics student, Franklin College
'I have found Pre-chewed to be an excellent resource which has definitely contributed to students achieving excellent results in Politics. The videos allow students to learn in a different way and it can be accessed using tablets. Pre-chewed allows our students to keep up-to-date with the big issues in Politics and there is very clear guidance on how it can be applied to exams. '
- Emmanuel Botwe, Deputy Headteacher, Didcot Girls' School
- Emmanuel Botwe, Deputy Headteacher, Didcot Girls' School
'The Pre-chewed website has proved to be an invaluable resource for me, particularly with the introduction of the vTextbook. I have committed this year to ‘flipping’ the classroom and this decision was made possible in the knowledge that the vTextbook was available. Each chapter is specification-focused, covering an excellent range of ideas, concepts, evidence and examples. My students find the material engaging and informative and I have never experienced such a high percentage of them completing their homework – indeed on the rare occasions when there is a homework task that doesn’t involve the Pre-chewed site the students are genuinely disappointed! The service provided by Pre-chewed is exemplary and I would whole-heartedly encourage all A Level Government & Politics teachers to make use of it.'
- Marcus Smith-Connor, Franklin College
- Marcus Smith-Connor, Franklin College
'We love having a virtual textbook! I am using the vTextbook to set reading/note making homework. The students like the fact that the worksheets give them clear guidance on how to make notes and we have generated a check list that goes in the front of their folder to ensure that the notes and wider reading (case studies) are being completed. They can access it from home so there is no excuse for not doing their homework! It has taken a lot of pressure off us for setting homework and finding really good up to date resources.'
- Patsy Wilson, Bishop Stopford School
- Patsy Wilson, Bishop Stopford School
'Pre-chewed Politics has been a fantastic resource for our students- the vTextbook provides an excellent introduction to relevant areas, and the updated case studies are invaluable for busy teachers'
-Asad Butt, Leyton Sixth Form College
-Asad Butt, Leyton Sixth Form College
'Pre-chewed Politics is an amazing tool for teachers. One of the challenges with teaching this subject is making effective use of political developments and news stories – Pre-chewed does it for you! Highly recommended.'
- Caroline Wilkinson, Archbishop Tenison's School
- Caroline Wilkinson, Archbishop Tenison's School
'The case studies are excellent… clearly written, contemporary and exam focused… absolutely spot on!'
- Ben Howard, Carshalton Boys' College
- Ben Howard, Carshalton Boys' College
'It seems that hardly a lesson goes by without me using a Pre-chewed resource these days!'
-Ann Massey, James Allen's Girls' School
-Ann Massey, James Allen's Girls' School
'On behalf of the Politics teachers at Jags please pass on our huge appreciation for your team’s work on Pre-chewed over the year. It has been an excellent resource for our AS teaching and we are pleased that you are going onwards and upwards next year. We will certainly be renewing our subscription and look forward to exploring your new resources.'
-Politics department, James Allen's Girls' School
-Politics department, James Allen's Girls' School
'The students respond positively to the articles and enjoy the fact that they are up-to-date as well as clearly related to exam requirements. As a teacher, they are very useful to help plan lessons around reality, rather than older examples or textbook materials which have become out of date. Pre-chewed Politics reduces the need for me to search the news for examples.'
- Jim McNaughton, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College
- Jim McNaughton, Wyggeston & Queen Elizabeth I College
'The articles are really useful in giving an up to date context and relevant evidence for their exam work. For all pupils the articles have broadened their knowledge and increased their understanding of Politics. They have given them all confidence.'
- Helen Carr, Abbey Grange CE Academy
- Helen Carr, Abbey Grange CE Academy